Monday, August 2, 2010

Honored. Truly.

I had the best surprise last week, Melinda awarded me with such an honor as to consider me for the Blog with Substance award! Really I am touched and feel pretty darn special! I can't begin to tell you all how much blogging along with you means to me. You have given me so much inspiration and friendship. I am fueled creatively by your lovely comments, the warm sentiments and thoughtful encouragement. I love checking my dashboard to see that there is a comment or two to read! I hurry and press post so I can revel in you sweet words.

So as the award states the first thing I need to do is thank the person who gave it to me... no problem, Thank you so much Melinda!! I am thrilled that you chose me and coming from someone who I admire as an artist and overall genuinely kind spirit means that much more to me! O.k. I think like at the awards shows I hear them cueing the music so I will get off the stage, but before I do I also want to say that I was in wonderful company chosen by Melinda and if she wouldn't have picked them I would have!!!

The second thing I need to do is to TRY and sum up my blogging motivation, philosophy, and experience in 5 words. (this is going to be tough, I don't know if any of you noticed in the comments I leave but I can barely say anything in 5 words!) but here goes...
1. Inspiration (to give and to get)
2. Friendship
3. Creative outlet
4. Camaraderie (I do feel a natural kinship with my bloggerettes)
5. Freedom (the place to be who I am and share the crazy with you!)

So there you are, I tried to do it in 5 words honestly but my brain just doesn't work that way! I am not usually a rule breaker except for art, patterns, and well I can't share everything in this post or what will bring you back??? LOL!

Now to pass this on to 5 other bloggers who have those blogs I keep going back to well because they are full of all of those qualities I mentioned. seriously, this was the hardest part of the award... I don't want anyone to feel slighted or overlooked, I love so many blogs and all of you out there mean so much to me, that well I wish I could pick more. But I've already broken one rule with the whole 5 word thing and all. So on with the show...

1. Jane of Mamie Jane's. I love this girl, she has some of the best creative ideas that will just make your head spin! She is always encouraging and I get way too excited when I see that she has left me a comment! (it's o.k. she knows that about me, I usually share way too much info.)
2. Suzan of Old Grey Mare. Love her blog, love her! What an inspiration! She has started a link-up party about ways we can all share with one another about our ideas on saving this home we call earth. She is also wonderfully talented and genuinely kind. always.
3. Anne of Fiona and Twig. really. enough said. Anne inpires me always with her kind comments but her blog is a must read! She gives us peeks into her fabulous life with her beautiful photos but most of all she writes these inspiring posts that really. make. me . think. I love that and her! She is a thoughtfully kindhearted person that gives you the feeling that you are just meant to be friends!
4. Libbie of The Middlest Sister. OMG I love her too! She tells the funniest stories about her little ones and gets me laughing everytime! Her mothering skills are so apparent in the beautiful happy faces of her children. She teaches them to love all and sprinkle glitter whenever they can ;) She makes me really think about the job I'm doing with my children and to go the extra mile to do something special for them and with them.
5. Maggie of The White Farmhouse. Crazy funny! I love her for the down to earth keepin it real posts she shares with all of us! She too just makes me laugh every time I read her posts. She will show you the bugs in her garden and the crazy mess in her basement. You know the mess we all take our pictures around so people will think we are clean freaks? Yeah, I do that. Now see I've told you more info. than you really needed to know! But seriously, Maggie is the genuine article and has so many wonderful things to share with all of us, she is a crafty diva!

I'm telling you I could go on and on... There are just so many wonderful people out there in blogland that inspire, motivate and bless me with their humor, creativeness, love, hope, strength, faith, soulfulness and most of all friendship. Thank you all for those things and more!

So that's it for now, I'm gonna go spread the love and I hope you will too!

Thanks for stopping by!! Theresa xoxo


  1. Congrats on your award Theresa! You're very deserving of it, and I always enjoy my visits to your blog. I love to see pictures of your home, because it's so warmly decorated, and it's all about family!
    Happy Monday!

  2. Theresa,

    Congratulations on your award and oh my, I need to email you right now! Aren't you a sweetie to me.
    Thank you so much..

    BIG hugs,


  3. Congrats on the award! I just love coming here and visiting! One day I am going to have to wander over to the beautiful side of the state and meet you in person! Can you imagine what fun that would be?

    You are just too kind and sweet! I really feel honored that you included me in your award! Is it ok if I accept this in my jammies? I mean it is 1:30, why get dressed now? Who would of thunk that bragging about being a slob would make you special?! I will make a post about this as soon as the Inspiration Party is done. Thank you thank you thank you again!

  4. Oh my goodness, I am so honored that you included me in such good company! Thank you!

    I think you are pretty darn wonderful, too. Just so ya know. :-)


  5. Let me add my thank you to the list! I am very honored and touched that you included me in the award. I will try and get my post up soon (since you just got the award is it fair to pass it back to would be on my list!)
    Have a great week.

  6. Oh you are so good, I still haven't been able to get my list up from receiving the award.
    Maybe by next week I will be able to slow down enough to get to it.
    I am with Jane, she would be on my list as well as you Theresa but I guess those are the rules huh...

  7. Theresa! How sweet are you!!! You are always so encouraging to me! Thanks so much! Your award means so much just because it comes from YOU! And of course all those sweet things you said about me don't hurt either :) I don't know of all the ladies listed so I will have to make sure I go through the list & check the other girls out...of course everyone knows Anne don't they? :)

    Well you certianly deserve this award yourself because you really do have such a wonderful blog & I do really truly enjoy visiting with you & feel each time I visit as though I am visiting a dear friend! Congrats to you!!!

    Thanks again Theresa! You made my night! :)


Thank you so much for visiting me here at The Old White House, your comments make my day! ~ Theresa xoxo