Saturday, June 19, 2010

Where Bloggers Create & I went picture happy!

Welcome everyone to my workroom, I am so excited to be a part of this AMAZING party! I uploaded a ton of pics so I'm not going to bore you with chit chat... I'll do that with my next post! Plus, Duane is giving me the evil eye because we reeeaaaalllly need to leave for a graduation party. Soooooo enjoy the space, I'm so happy there was a party so that I could get organized in here before Cams next week!
I love this speech, it really serves me well when I try and hide under my bushel.

These two pics of the doors are great inspiration... there pictures for me from Hannah and Max.

More inspiration, old photos always get my brain going...

I got these lanterns from the dollar tree, I can't wait til tonight so that I can turn them on and see them glow.

The old dollhouse holds more books and paints.

I have to thank Jane for this idea, now most of my trim is all wound up on yardsticks and I love it! Thanks Jane!

Thanks for stopping by, I can't wait to visit everyone's spaces when we get home! I loved doing this and I know my family is very happy that there was a party so that this space wouldn't look like an episode of COPS anymore! (I made a real mess of it before the barn show.) I don't think I mentioned it but this is the view from the living room, so when it's a mess and I don't usually (ever) close the pocket door well the whole house sees my mess.

Theresa xoxo


  1. I enjoyed my visit into your creative space, thanks so much for sharing. Love all your gorgeous containers and how you store your supplies.

  2. Hi Theresa, I luv your room where you create it is so full of goodies to explore for a collector like my self. Thanks for sharing your space. Have a great weekend...Julian

  3. Great room, lots of inspiration and fabulous designs! Love the Santa head on the jar....guess I am not the only one who has spare heads hanging around!!!
    Thanks for sharing your creative studio......I am enjoying looking at everything!!!
    Margaret B

  4. I am at a loss for words Theresa!!!
    Girl you have got one heck of a space.
    I see some of my favorite pieces of your art hanging around and I can't wait til I can have Brooklyns art hanging around the house, too cute.
    Some amazing storage solutions that you have that I am totally going to have to think about using.
    All the great cabinets and do you ever leave this room, it is soooo awesome!
    Have a great day at the party

  5. I really love your studio! Your amazing collections and great organizing ideas!
    I alos love the feeling of the room. It's warm and cozy!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  6. Wonderful organizing solutions. Love all of the bowls and vases.

    That quote is also one of my favorites. I have it posted all over the place. FYI it is often attributed to Nelson Mandela, but the actual author is Marianne Williamson in her book "A Return to Love." Beautiful book by the way : )

  7. Hi Theresa,
    What an amazing work space !! There are so many gorgeous treasures in there, I could look around for hours at all of the goodies! All of your collections are just fabulous! Lovely post.
    Have a great weekend.

  8. Love your space! I have a dollhouse very similar. I need to get it out of storage and use it like you did. Great job!

  9. I have really enjoyed visiting your space. It so lovely packed with such wonderful things and inspiring ideas. Thanks for sharing. Angela

  10. What a great space! You have so many fun things...I LOVE the old dollhouse!!

  11. What a great creative space. I just love all of the vintage charm! Thank you for sharing!!

  12. Cool creative space, especially your clever storage and organizing ideas. Thanks for sharing your fabulous treasures! Beautiful post. Hugs, Nancy

  13. Great creative space! I especially love how you have displayed your collections - so fun! Thanks for sharing!

    :-) Molly

  14. Dreamy creative space you have full of wonderful amazing and "I'm slightly envious" treasures. Love your milk glass used for storage, the pretty lamps, and terrific old photos. Thanks for the delightful tour, definitely one of my favorites.

  15. What a great space, Theresa! I love how you have everything in view and easy reach. I also love how you have many of these wonderful creations displayed.

  16. What a delightful space! So very many pretties to play with. Thank you for inviting us into your creative haven.

  17. What a wonderful space! Love love all of your milk glass containers!

  18. Loved the space...and more importantly all the stuff! I really like the chalkware looking scottie on top of the white little cabinet. Love, love anything "scottie"! Had fun!

  19. Hi Theresa, your space is wonderful and I LOVE that speech it is a wonderful reminder to not be afraid to shine, thank you for sharing it :)
    I hope you have a lovely weekend!

  20. Hi!What a nice space!
    Beautiful, thank you for sharing!!!!


    visit me anytime...

  21. Theresa,

    Well of course I knew it would be a wonderful space. It is whimsical and eclectic and full of fun and charming trinkets. I have noticed that most of these studios really reflect out personalities, don't you think? You are always super busy and fun loving and have many varied interests and it all shows here in your space. Uh oh, I wonder what mine says about me other than a little OCD? haha

    Enjoy your weekend. I'l still be sitting her on Monday trying to make the rounds to everyone!



  22. You have allot of nice things and put away so clever. Laura Q Come visit

  23. Thanks for sharing your wonderful enchanting creative space. I just love how you have mixed all of your collections and vintage finds within your space.

    There is so much to look at and inspiration is everywhere. I think it reflects who you are and what you love.


  24. Hi Theresa,
    You have so many great collections, I can see why you needed many photos. It's hard to stop taking them, isn't it? So many great things but love the photos and sentimental items best, I understand how they give you much inspiration in your creations. Thanks so much for sharing with us, love seeing inside your studio!

  25. What a beautiful room! And the way you have repurposed so many things! So many wonderful inspiring ideas! Thank you for this peak into your world.

  26. Love how you display your treasures:O) Have an awesome evening:O)

  27. Wow... you have so many great collections! What a great creative space. I love how you put a cute little bench inside of that cabinet! :) Thank you for the great tour!!

  28. wow, you have an amazing space and such wonderful treasures!

  29. You have an amazing space, I especially love all the touches of artwork that make it uniquely you! Thanks for giving us a peek at a very special place!


  30. I can just see the magic happening there. Wonderful space and collections.

  31. You are so organized my friend! Wow!!! Beautiful treasures and your space is to die for! (I have that same bird bowl - only mine is blue! - don't you just love it!!)

    You are so artistic and so creative - can I just say that I am jealous!

  32. I love the use of the doll house, , what a great idea, but how do you get in it? What is the secret as I have one in the garage and would love to put it to use, maybe a turntable or a lazy susan? I'll figure something out, thanks for sharing. Love your collections!! Old photos are my favorite thing! Have fun blog hopping! XOXO

  33. What a beautiful place you have to create, your photos are wonderful!!!

  34. Hi Theresa,
    I absolutely love your creative space! I could just move right into that room and feel right at home. We love so many of the same things....we need to get together and play!!
    Thanks for sharing all the wonderful pictures. I really enjoyed seeing where you make all of your fabulous creations!

  35. Theresa,

    You can never overdo it with "pictures". WE LOVE PICTURES.

    What a great post and an amazing space. I so enjoyed visiting this morning and getting a little glimpse into your creative heart and your work.

    It was a great way to start of a lovely Sunday morning. Just you and me and the bird's singing. lol

    Lovely, lovely place to create.


  36. I love tons of pictures! Great space! I love the bolts of trim. Have a great day!

  37. A wonderful creating place! I see so many things I love! I love the doll house...what a great idea! I still have mine and I'd love to use it~Thank you for sharing your studio...

  38. Hi Theresa, this is my first time visiting your blog but I will definitely become a loyal follower! Love all your vintage finds, especially the picture with the white bowls (I think it's pic #7 from that wonderful speech). The two bowls in front..well I received two of those from my grandmother. I can remember her mixing up some sauce to go with a salad we were having. Anyway, I picked up another three but never thought to use them in the studio to hold all my trinkets! Thanks for the inspiration!
    I'm participating also, so stop by Grace Goods and say "Hi!"


  39. Hi Theresa,

    I love your creative space. I even enlarged the pictures to see all the details. Thank you for sharing with us.

    Have a nice Sunday,
    Natacha (from Luxembourg)

  40. Hi Theresa:
    Goodness abounds in what appears to be a HUGE room! Treasures and inspiration in every nook and cranny. Thanks so much for sharing your creative space with all of us...and thank you for visiting Brynwood and leaving such a kind comment. I'll be back to visit again soon.

  41. What a wonderful creative space you have! I could get lost for hours in there! Thanks for sharing! Come on over to see Where I Create!

    Creative Blessings,

  42. Hi Theresa! Wow, you have a fabulous room! I love all the vintage and whimsical details. Those architectural pieces caught my eye right away!! I think I have to go back for a second look! Thank you so much for joining the party!

    My Desert Cottage

  43. Lovely space....and I L*O*V*E* that vintage dollhouse - so cute!

  44. What an amazing space you have created! It inspires me to add to my own crafting area.

    I adore all of your storage solutions.

  45. Aaaaaah, you've got lanterns also, sugar! Don't you just love them to "brighten" up our spaces? Nice to meet you from WBC, chick.

  46. fabulous space!! lots to play with. love the opening photo at the top of your blog :-)

  47. Theresa, I am in love with your studio. It's so fabulous! Thanks for stopping and leaving a comment on mine. I so appreciate it.



  48. A wonderfully inspiring creative space...thank you for sharing it with us : )

  49. Hello Theresa... what a wonderful spot you have to create... I especially love your old photographs for inspiration... xoxo Julie Marie

  50. Theresa - I adore your creations and your creative space. All the inspiration and clever storage ideas are fantastic! Love the yardstick trim storage solution. ~ Angela

  51. Oh, my, how I love your storage items...the dollhouse, all the beautiful bowls and the many other interesting things in your studio. Love your bird bowl and your use of old pictures. This really is a very wonderful (and organized) space!

  52. Theresa~ your creative space is enchanting, warm and inviting...The " vibe " really comes through in your photos! I'm with Karen, I think I need a second look!
    Happy Creating!
    Deb ~

  53. Ooooh LOVE your space! Your finds and treasures are glorious and so is your organization and storage!
    Very Inspiring.
    Happy day!

  54. I love that picture of your blue and white shelf with the dollhouse on it. Just beautiful. thank you for sharing.

  55. Hey Theresa, I just knew your space would be awesome!! You must have a big house!! How blessed you are to have a room for you to create!! I love the old photos,and the ideal you stole from Jane is just to cool!! Who would have thought of that!! I really appreciated seeing your space and knowing that you made all of my givebacks I won in there!! Thanks for sharing!! XO Fran.

  56. Thank you, Theresa, for sharing you creative is beautiful! I took a long time peering at all your treasures, and saw so much I liked. It's always reassuring to meet someone who has as much stuff as I do! And I do love the whole look of your blog with all the crowns. If you get a chance, you
    might like to stop by my blog and check out some of my collections.

    Thanks again...


  57. Theresa,

    So nice to meet you...Your space is wonderful and so full of vintage goodness...thanks so much for letting me stroll through.

    I would love for you to visit with me and stroll through my's been a labor of love to put together and now after a year in our home putting everything together as it should be I feel like I can "spread my wings" and fly!

    Have a wonderful day,
    Stephanie ♥

  58. Such a beautiful space and wonderful eye candy!! I am loving all your vintage goodies! Thanks so much for sharing your amazing space!

  59. Theresa I love the big space you have got for your workshop. I oil can as a base caught my eye. I love the dishes filled with bits and pieces and the big old crock on the floor and the . . .It's an amazing space. Lucky you!
    I'm a follower now.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  60. Theresa~ your pictures speak more than a thousand words, I enjoyed ALL of them ... your space is stocked full of goodies I would just LOVE to get my hands on!! Thank you for the tour and all of the eye candy!

  61. What a great creative space you have. Just wonderful! There are so many neat things to look at, I wish we could all get together for real and just have fun playing together. Could you imagine having a neighborhood full of creative people. Wow, that would be cool, "knock, knock, could I borrow a cup of glitter?" Really love the way you've stored all your lace and trim on the yard sticks. Great idea!

    Vintiquities Workshop

  62. I'm glad you went picture your style and all the amazing goodies you have stashed....thanks so much for your kind comment...
    gypsy hugs

  63. Theresa - oh my gosh!!! I LOVE IT!!! I am SEW in to the trim on the yardstick!!! That's fantastic!!! And the shelves and containers full of goodies... and your desk!!! And the doll house and the...

    I'm moving in. hee-hee

    :-) I hope the graduation party was fun!!!
    LOVE your space! Oh wait, did I already say that? huh

    I'm going back up to drool.
    :-D robelyn

  64. Oh I love your studio, I'm glad you took lots of photos! x

  65. Wow! I wish you were my next door neighbor!

  66. Oh, what a beautiful room you have. I would just like to hang out and peek at all the treasures, Char

  67. You have some great ideas going in this room! Love the doll house as storage and the chalk board door on the glitter cabinet.

  68. beautiful
    color palette.
    everything seems
    very peaceful
    and serene.
    ooooh. and i
    so dig the
    trick! way cool!
    happy day!

  69. I looove your creative space, I also have a lot of collectables and vintage pieces tangled in amoungst my (whatever it is I may be working on at the moment),for inspiration! My space didn't quite get done, but I'm getting so much inspiration from all you guys, that I might just go for it, instead of waiting for next year! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  70. I am SO loving this room of yours girl!
    I'm leaving here with so much inspiration...Thank you!
    My fav would have to be the yardsticks wrapped in trim...I have to borrow that idea from you!!!
    And that wooden it!
    Thanks for the inspiration and the visit...I enjoyed my stay!!!

  71. What a wonderful party with so many rooms to draw inspiration from. Yours is delightful. I could spend so much time here just studying the details. I love the quote. I wrote it down and now to print it up and frame. Thanks for the inspiration.

  72. Good Morning, Theresa,
    I just love your collection of vintage items. I felt right at home. I actually have some of the same bowls and pans in my home...I appreciate how you have used yours.

    Thanks for sharing your creative space. Have a terrific Tuesday ~Natalie

  73. Bravo, that's all I have to say. I love your space and innovative ways to store objects. I am having a giveaway in honor of my newest grandson. Come say hi and check it out.

  74. Hi Theresa, Love the whimsical feel of your studio. Just beautiful!! If you have time I hope you'll visit my studio.


  75. First let me say your BANNER is 2DIE4 wonderful. OK, now the studio... GREAT!!!! I have a white dresser much like yours & think I need to use it in my studio instead of at the storage unit... My all time favorite idea was the old doll house full of fabric & paints. PERFECT & CUTE! Hope you weren't late for the graduation party. Sorry I was late in starting my visits but, we had to keep the GRANDS over the weekend. And thank you for sharing your studio. Hope you will come by to visit me too. Charlene

  76. Oh Theresa ~ Your Studio is Fabulous, Exactly the Charm I was picturing it to be..... Would be fun to Create together some day, since we don't live That Far from Each Other..... Thanks for Sharing Your Space

  77. What a nice creative space! I loved everything, especially the lanterns.

    Janet's Creative Pillows

  78. Thanks for the tour! I love all the trinkets and treasures. I'm loving the measuring stick / trim roll idea too.

  79. What an inspiring place your work area is, so much to see and do. I love it!

  80. What a a nice space you have! Lots of treasures, instant creativity in a room! Looking forward to exploring your blog and etsy stores!

  81. Oh so many things that I want to comment on (things I love in your space), the old tins, baskets, lace and pictures. Really lovely space you got there, and I like how you made the drafting table to the center computer desk and the storage under it. And the storage for all the lace, also I have to ask, where did you get the brown or grey pom-pom lace??? Love it.
    Great space, thanks for sharing this with us : )

  82. Love your space just inspiring! the old doll house is wonderful, thank you for sharing and being so inspiring!
    luvs and glitter

    p.s. i'm having a giveaway if you would like to stop by, but no pressure really just thought I'd let you know, there is vintage wallpaper and antique buttons involved:)

  83. So pretty! I love all the antique shelving, cabinets and dressers. I love the blackboard cabinet and the vintage dollhouse.

    So inspiring! Happy creating! :)

  84. Beautiful space...thanks for sharing! Looks like you have alot of wonderful treasures in there:) And I love the idea of wrapping ribbons & trim around yardsticks!

  85. I really enjoyed the pictures of your creative space. You have so many inspirational items - I just loved looking at them all. I have the same metal calendar that you do! Love it! Thanks for sharing.

  86. Oh my goodness! I love your vintage-ee space! I am still getting around to seeing all the studio's (I started from the bottom up) and you have a wonderful place here! :)


  87. beautiful space! I love all the trimmings and the way you have them displayed :) It looks like alot of pretty things to stimulate gorgeous work

  88. This is a fabulous place to create. I love all the photos you took. Great vintage jars, baskets and containers to store things. Love the clock collection and your penchant for old scales. Everything is so wonderful I think I am going to go back and take a slow, second look! Thanks a million for letting us in to take a peek!

  89. That is a fabulous room!

    Also, just wanted to say thanks for you sweet comment on my shutter post.

  90. Your studio is fantastic, and appears so large. I am going to take that yardstick idea and run with it! I love all of your vintage containers and larger pieces used for storage. You just can't get that look with new stuff!

  91. Love your creative space! Thank you for the tour!



Thank you so much for visiting me here at The Old White House, your comments make my day! ~ Theresa xoxo