Tuesday, August 6, 2013

show time...

Hello everyone!
I thought I'd give you a little snippet
of what I've been up to, and that revolves 
mainly around shows and markets.

 Show time is fun time for me,
I love "playing house" in the booth!

'shopping' my house and barn for display pieces,
and then finding awesome fill in pieces at fleas and yard sales.
like this urn...

I've had the table for awhile and painted it last year for the house, 
but it just made it's way out of the barn to do shows this summer.

Because I am thinking right now about long I have had some of these
pieces, I even shocked myself when I remembered that I
found this table about 23 years ago!
I just painted it for the first time this year.
the beauty of taking it to shows, is that it is two pieces.

I love those legs!!!
The china cabinet I have had for almost as long.
I traded my brother and his wife for it
when I stenciled on the walls of their dining room in their first home!

best decoration in the whole booth...
My 15 year old daughter Hannah telling our shoppers about the benefits
of using our natural products!
I just sit back and beam when I listen to her talk to everyone.
I am fortunate to be able to say that this
is a family affair.  When our 10 year old Max is with us,
he gets right out in front and does the same thing!
When Danielle and John are home for a visit they pitch in and 
Cameron has been helping at markets and
Duane does the weekend shows with us after making
phone calls all morning!
love. love. love.

The displays do take a beating though and this girl was looking pretty rough,
let's say more rough than the shabby look I love.
What's a girl to do?

why, paint her with chalkboard paint of course!

She came in quite handy for displaying earrings.
I grabbed the old door at the last minute hoping for
a better way to display the repurposed necklaces...
it's going to be a permanent fixture from now on. 
I am constantly on the hunt for pieces to display my jewelry.

I could keep adding things from around here to bring
with us, but then where in the car and truck would I put them?
I do have to make room for the staff!

Like I said,
I love "playing house" when we set up our booth.
Fluffing and then fluffing some more.

Next time I might think about adding
a chair to take a break in once in a while,
so that my back wasn't hurting today.
(back to the chiropractor I go.)

Thank goodness that Duane and Cameron 
really do all of the heavy lifting these days,
I couldn't bring any of these pieces without them!
love. love. love.

I hope that you are having a lovely summer.
Take in an art show if you have any near by...
the inspiration out there is endless!

Thank you everyone for your visits. I know that 
there are so many blogs to follow and that I am not here
nearly as often as I used to be, so I really
appreciate your stopping by for a visit and your comments!


next post I will share more of what I've been creating to take to the shows.
here's a peek...


  1. Hi Theresa,
    I love your booth. It looks wonderful and your product displays are so pretty. I'm glad that you have made it a family business...that's so special.


  2. I so love your booth set up! I would love to visit your show, where are you? Your booth is just what I look for. My favorite is your dress form painted with chalkboard paint! Great idea. Have a great week, so. Glad I found your blog.

    Come visit me,
    Michelle. thebashfulnest.blogspot.com

  3. If idle hands are the devil's workshop, girl you got nothing to worry about. My oh my...you are one busy woman!
    Your merchandising is perfect and so is your business plan.

  4. I LOVE your booth. Too bad I'm not closer to come and shop it. What a great idea to paint your dress form. It looks great Theresa.

    XO Danielle

  5. Theresa, looks fabulous! Now heal that back of yours!
    Good talking to you!!! One day it will be in person!


Thank you so much for visiting me here at The Old White House, your comments make my day! ~ Theresa xoxo